What Does
HAZMAT Training Mean?
Hazmat training is a course designed for individuals involved in hazmat handling or response to a hazmat (hazardous material) leak, spread, spill or accident that may cause further damage to life, health, properties or the environment. Employers are required by law to train employees responsible for the handling and transporting of hazmat in their day to day job.
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Safeopedia Explains HAZMAT Training
Hazmat training is generally attended by the following employees:
- Personnel responsible for preparation and shipping including supervisors
- Personnel responsible for classifying hazardous products or raw materials
- Personnel who pack, handle, store, mark or label hazardous materials
- Truck drivers who handle hazmat products
- Management personnel who need a basic awareness of hazardous materials
- Hazardous materials and dangerous goods manager
- Regulatory affairs coordinators
- Purchasing agents
Hazmat training learning objectives are:
- Students will be able to safeguard own self and other’s health and safety when their work involves exposure to hazmat
- Students will gain the knowledge and skills needed to recognize and determine the presence of hazmat
- Research and evaluate exposure information
- Make decisions and execute first responder actions
- Mitigate hazardous situations
- To be compliant with current laws and standards
- Competence of responders to hazmat/weapons of mass destruction incidents
In some countries, hazmat trainings have different levels depending on requirements. Different levels include:
- First level of hazmat training – it is the first responder or awareness level
- The second level of hazmat training is the operations level
- The third, or technicians, level of hazmat training is for those who have finished first- and second-level training and are interested in a more hands-on role
- The fourth and highest level of Hazmat training is the incident commander