
Safety Valve

Last updated: December 28, 2018

What Does Safety Valve Mean?

A safety valve is a type of automatic pressure relieving device that activates by the static gas or vapor pressure upstream of the valve by automatic release of substances through rapid full opening or pop action to avoid accidental explosion. These are commonly used in cookers, boilers, pumps, compressors, chemical plants, gas storage tanks, and widely used in petroleum related industries.

Safeopedia Explains Safety Valve

Safety valves are used in plants, machines or devices to avoid accidents and for protection and preservation of life, property and the environment. A safety valve is the last measure of protection, designed to release excess pressure from vessels or equipment and return the pressure rating to the normal value. Excess pressure in a vessel or pipe is produced due to discharge blockage, cooling system failure, thermal expansion, chemical reaction or pipe rupture in a heat exchanger.

There are a wide range of safety valves available and are named according to the releasing action or use. These include valves like safety valve, relief valve, safety relief valve and pilot operated safety relief valve, among others. The International Standard Organization (ISO) has ISO 4126-1:2013 and American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) and American National Standard Institute jointly have ASME / ANSI PTC 25.3 standards for safety valves and relief valves.



Pressure Valve

Gas Valve

Control Valve


Pressure Release Valve

Safety Valves

Boiler Safety Valve

Relief Valve

Safety Relief Valve

Pilot Operated Safety Relief Valve

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