I have worked in the Oil and Gas industry for 14 years. Of this time, 10 years have been as a Site Safety Manager at client petrochemical construction locations. I have assisted in the development, implementation, and management of client safety programs by recommending policies and procedures in order to assist in filling gaps in client safety programs.
While on project locations, daily walk-arounds have been conducted in order to observe safe/unsafe acts, behaviors, or conditions. Safe acts/conditions observed are praised in order to re-enforce SWPs personnel have displayed, and encourage employees to continue working in a safe manner. I have used Stop Work Authority on numerous occasions in order to notify personnel of unforeseen danger or unsafe acts/behaviors observed. I have taken advantage of such occasions in order to educate crew members on SWPs in order to help employees understand the hazards associated with these issues and how to appropriately correct them. Non-compliant items are documented for tracking and shared with employees during safety meetings in an effort to bring awareness up about trending topics.
As a participant in project SIMOPS meetings, I have had many opportunities to offer advisement to contractor/subcontractor supervisors, in an effort to enhance daily operational productivity, while maximizing employee safety.
While managing permit-to-work systems on project locations, I have provided multiple clients with the assurance that contractors/subcontractors adhere to all aspects and requirements of the permitting system.
Lastly, I have conducted numerous incident investigations in order to determine causal factors and root causes, and offered recommendations on equipment, engineering and administrative controls in order to make work locations safer for employees.