
Safety Network


Safety Network is a safe, confidential way to get information, share best practice and keep in the loop with what going on in the world of safety management. Accessing information is easy. We use links, where appropriate, to governing bodies etc. to make sure that the information is detailed and up to date. Hopefully, you’ll find what you’re looking for or we can find it for you, or point you in the right direction.

So what’s the catch? – No catch. We cover the costs of the website by selling advertising in banner strips down the side of the pages – hopefully not too intrusive. We make a living by selling the books and downloadable resource materials in the on-line shop.

We hope that you’ll get the information you need from the free information areas. But we know from experience, that audits, training courses, bulletins, risk assessments etc. all take time. More time than most busy managers have. Using our resources from the shop will save you time and money.

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