
Jennifer Anderson

Articles by Jennifer Anderson

  • Preventing Falls From Roofs

    Falls are the number one cause of death in the construction industry. Learn how to protect your employees from falls from roofs.

  • UV Risk in the Workplace

    July is National UV Safety Month. Find out how you can protect yourself and your employees from harmful UV radiation.

  • Drive Sober or Get Pulled Over

    Drunk driving is one of the most frequent crimes in North America. Yet, initiatives to implement effective strategies to curb this killer remain largely unfunded or underfunded—like MADD—by private and public donations and...

  • Certificate of Recognition (COR): Business Value of COR

    What Is COR? The COR Program is a voluntary program for employers in many Canadian provinces. Employers enroll in the COR program voluntarily; however, in many cases it can be a pre-qualification requirement for bidding on...

  • ISO 45001 – Meet the New Kid on the Block: An Introduction to the ISO Health and Safety Standard

    Each day in America more than 6300 people lose their lives to work-related accidents or workplace-induced illness. Many of these 2.3million annual losses are preventable with better health and safety measures. Occupational...

  • Safe Driving Week Canada

    December 1 to 7 is National Safe Driving Week in Canada. The goal of the Canada Safety Council during this week is to draw driver awareness to several areas that are considered dangerous driving situations.Winterize—Be...

  • Home Fire Safety Week

    Household fires kill and injure Canadians every day. Learn how you can prevent fires in the home, and some of the safety initiatives included in Home Fire Safety Week.

  • Diabetes Awareness Month

    What is Diabetes?Diabetes is a chronic disease that occurs when you are unable to produce enough of the hormone insulin, or because your cells do not respond to the insulin that is produced. Symptoms of this metabolic...

  • National Seniors Safety Week

    The week of November 6 to 12, 2015 is National Seniors Safety Week. During this week, there are several initiatives aimed at keeping seniors safe and healthy in their own homes. The special week is aimed at developing a...

  • Cyber Security Awareness Month

    We live in a world that is unbelievably connected, and, in many ways, this is a good thing. The Internet allows businesses, organizations and individuals in places all over the world to use services from remote areas. The...

  • National Disability Employment Awareness Month

    October is National Disability Employment Awareness Month (NDEAM) in Canada. As the name suggests, NDEAM focuses on the need for more employment opportunities for people with disabilities. Sixteen percent of the Canadian...

  • Fire Prevention Week

    Since 1992, the National Fire Protection Association has celebrated Fire Safety Week during the first full week of October. This year Fire Safety Week occurred from October 4 to 10.Pinpointing Flammable MaterialsThe purpose...

  • Using Proper Ventilation to Improve Indoor Air Quality

    Indoor air quality is a growing concern for office staff. Learn about ventilation techniques and how proper ventilation can improve air quality.

  • Emergency Preparedness and Response Plans

    It’s a myth that your little corner of the world is immune to disasters—natural or manmade. California is not the only state that suffers natural disasters as this past year’s weather has proven. Manmade disasters can affect everyone everywhere.

  • Immunization Awareness in the Workplace

    Keeping yourself safe at work includes safe-guarding your health and overall well-being. Learn why you should keep your immunizations up to date.

  • Transient Workers vs Temporary Workers: Know Your Training Obligations

    Transient workers and temporary workers fall into different categories with different legislation protecting the interests of each type of worker. All workers have rights. Learn what rights each type of worker have and employer obligations.

Q&A by Jennifer Anderson

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