
Graphic Products


Graphic Products is the home of DuraLabel industrial printers and is an innovative leader, providing solutions for safety and visual communication. Founded in Beaverton, Oregon in 1970, Graphic Products places safety and protection of human lives as its number one priority. The company's full line of safety products and services are designed for the modern workforce.Graphic Products leads the industry with safety training materials, educational resources, and up-to-date news and compliance information on topics like arc flash, chemical labeling, and pipe marking.

Articles by Graphic Products

  • 10 Rules for Forklift Safety Infographic

    One million forklifts are currently in operation at U.S. job sites, and 110,000 forklift accidents happen yearly, according to OSHA. Put another way, if you drive a forklift, you have a 1 in 10 chance of getting in an accident this year.

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