A communicable disease is an illness that is transmitted through contact with disease-causing agents or microorganisms that cause an infection. Carriers of these microorganisms can include people, animals, food, surfaces, and air as they pass infectious illnesses from one host to the next. The most… View Full Term
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Gary Blake is the Vice President of Industrial Development at Safety Plus, Inc. He holds a degree in Industrial Technology for the University of Wisconsin and has worked in Safety and Logistics with Industrial, Maritime, and Construction companies throughout the country. In 2001 Gary began working with Safety Plus, Inc providing management services and assisting Owner Clients on preparing for regulatory audits with primary focus on OSHA-related issues. Over the past decade his focus has been on developing SPI’s Industrial Services Division with Safety Professional and Rescue Teams providing specialized services around the country. Gary has certifications in Safety/IH/Quality Control and is involved in multiple industry-related professional organizations. He is a father of two and currently resides in Mobile, AL with his wife Sue.
The OSHA inspector is at your door. What should you do? Follow these steps to avoid or limit the amount of fines.
OSHA citations can be costly, but not all of them are worth contesting. Find out when to contest them and why it's sometimes better to let them slide.
If an OSHA inspector came knocking at your door today, would you be ready? These six tips will help you ace OSHA inspections, even if you didn't see it coming.
There is always some stress and upheaval when an OSHA compliance officer shows up at your workplace. You can't unreasonably interfere with their investigation, but that doesn't mean you have to let the inspector have free...
The first thing you need to know about unexpected OSHA inspections is that you have the right to deny the inspector access at the time of the initial visit if you so choose.A great time to exercise this option would be when...