A “water fog” is a fine spray of water droplets that is produced as a fire-extinguishing agent by certain specialized fire suppression systems. In a water fog fire suppression system, water is sent through a specialized nozzle at a high speed and pressure, resulting in the production of… View Full Term
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There are a lot of safety measures to take when the colder months approach. Consult this list to make sure you don't forget any.
Well over 350,000 residential fires strike the United States each year, leading to the death of 40,000 pets on average. While most people recognize the importance of developing a sound plan for protecting themselves and...
Safety risks are always present, regardless of the size of your company or the industry in which you work. The month of June is dedicated to understanding the importance of preventing life-threatening situations before they...
Electrical safety is important both at home and at work. Learn what hazards lurk in unsuspecting places and how you can protect against common fire hazards.