Floor marking tape (or safety floor tape) is a simple but effective communication tool and should be an integral part of your company’s signage and safety program.
Marking tape can be applied either to the floor or walls as a way to rapidly communicate information, create safety zones around hazardous areas, and highlight the location of specialized tools and emergency equipment.
Although it seems like a simple tool, it's important to get the right one for your workplace's needs. Here are five important uses of floor marking tape and three tips for picking the right tape for your needs.
5 Important Uses of Floor Marking Tape
1. Creating Safety Borders Around Hazardous Equipment and Chemicals
If your workplace has specific areas that require the use of personal protective equipment such as hearing protection, hard hats, or safety glasses, floor tape can be used to complement other types of signage.
By strategically applying the safety tape, you will create an eye-catching, hard-to-miss reminder for both workers and guests to your facility.
(Find out How to Master the Science of Sign Visibility)
2. Designating Equipment Placement and Storage
Floor tape is a great way to organize your facility and create a more efficient workplace. Whether you need to park a forklift, store small tools, keep production materials categorized, mark locations for trash receptacles, or outline specific workspaces, laying out floor tape will make sure that everything has a designated spot. This will reduce the amount of time your team spends trying to figure out where to park the forklift and it will keep tools and materials organized, in their place, and easy to find.
3. Marking Routes for Vehicles and Foot Traffic
Floor tape can be used to create safety flooring in busy, high-traffic areas. The tape can be used to demarcate a route for forklifts or carts, encourage the efficient flow of foot traffic, and reduce the likelihood of collisions.
(Learn more about Forklift Safety for Pedestrians)
Floor tape is also a good way to mark out exit routes and make them easier to locate and follow during emergencies.
4. Identifying Trip or Fall Hazards
In almost every workplace, there are inconsistencies in the floor surface. That's almost inevitable. Unfortunately, it can also cause workers to trip or fall.
Floor tape is a great way to caution pedestrians as well as remind users of stairs and ramps to take extra care. Specialized floor tape can also be used to provide traction.
5. Use Glow-in-the-Dark and Reflective Tape for Emergency Access
Using glow-in-the-dark and reflective tapes to designate emergency egress during power outages and low-lighting situations can be an important part of your emergency procedure plan.
(For related reading, see Muster Points: How to Keep Your Team Safe During an Emergency)
Besides highlighting exit routes, reflective tape can also be used to designate the location of safety equipment that might be needed after the power goes out, such as first aid stations, fire extinguishers, and electrical panels.
3 Considerations When Choosing Safety Floor Marking Tape
1. Choose a Tape That Suits Your Workplace Environment
If you're planning to mark an area with plenty of foot and vehicle traffic, make sure you get safety tape that is durable enough to withstand all that friction and impact.
Keep in mind that you may also need to regularly wash the taped surface or that it may become exposed to spilled chemicals or other products.
The floor surface itself will also determine how strong the adhesive needs to be and what characteristics it should have.
2. Add Floor Signs
Adhesive messaging applied directly to the floor offers an opportunity to communicate messages regarding caution or warning with a minimal amount of additional training. Bordering the sign with black and yellow floor marking tape will make it easier to notice and will alert workers to its importance.
And remember, keep messages simple and easy to read at a simple glance.
3. Keep Colors to a Minimum
There is a lot of variety when it comes to floor tape. Your goal should be to convey safety information quickly and clearly. In part, that means keeping colors to a minimum and using them consistently. The color should be part of the message, so be sure to describe the specific purpose of each color in your safety manual.
Although there are no specific regulations for the use of color, there are some strong precedents as well as preferred standards offered by OSHA and ANSI:
- Yellow tape is used for warnings and to designate aisles
- White tape marks storage areas for equipment and vehicles
- Red tape identifies potential fire hazards and equipment
- Striped tape is often used to create safety zones
When creating your floor tape plan, make sure to prepare a layout map well in advance and get as much input from your team as possible. Map out your entire plan so that you can see how it will work right across your entire facility, even if the installation of the floor tape will not take place all at once.
It's easy to take floor tape for granted, especially after we see it day after day. But it should not be underestimated. It is a highly efficient and accessible way to communicate safety information and organizational systems.