There is no such thing as being too safe at work. Increased demand for skills, products, and services brings with it the potential for more hazards and risks that threaten the safety of everyone in the workplace.
One way to mitigate these hazards and risks is by developing and implementing workplace safety programs. Most safety professionals, however, agree that the only way to ensure the success of safety programs is by increasing workers’ safety awareness. Being hyper vigilant has proven to be effective in minimizing the risks of workplace accidents, injuries, and illnesses.
Here are four proven ways to effectively improve safety awareness among your employees.
1. Provide Training and Awareness Courses
Ensure that safety is always on everyone’s mind by hosting ongoing safety training that is customized to the different departments of the organization. Do not only train staff on operating procedures, but also incorporate the reasoning behind those procedures. If employees understand the reasoning, they may be more vigilant.
(Use these 7 Superb Psychological Tactics for EHS Training
to get the most out of your sessions)
2. Offer Incentives Based on Leading Indicators of Safety
Reward those employees who follow proper procedures, as well as those who consistently behave with safety in mind. Incentives may include time off or an award presented in front of their colleagues.
(For advice on doing incentives right, see Your Incentives Are Compromising Safety Culture)
3. Host a Safety Week
This will give workers the chance to focus on the importance of safety awareness and workplace safety. Invite speakers to give talks on various safety-related issues. Additionally, include activities that are both educational and enjoyable, such as a trivia game with safety-related questions.
4. Adopt a Zero Tolerance Policy
Adopt a zero tolerance policy: Have a zero tolerance policy for workplace safety violations and unsafe behavior. This will not only increase safety awareness but also promote a culture of safety within the organization. Ensure that all employees are aware that engaging in safety violations and unsafe behavior will result in some form of penalty. Additionally, put in place a way for employees to report any safety violations and take all reports seriously.