
How much work is involved in receiving a COR and how long can we expect it to take from registration to certification?

By Adrian Bartha | Last updated: December 17, 2015
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This depends on the current state of the company’s health and safety management system in place. The company must prove they have an OH&S management system in place that is up to date and consistently followed. A reactive approach to safety won’t cut it.

Even if a good system is in place and up to date, you must have good recordkeeping for auditors to verify it. Paul’s advice is to not wait until going for certification. Begin immediately to review your health and safety management system and recordkeeping.

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Written by Adrian Bartha | Chief Executive Officer

Adrian Bartha
Adrian Bartha is the CEO of eCompliance, which he joined in 2012 after experiencing first-hand how a workplace incident affected a power and utilities company which he led as a member of the Board of Directors. Previously, Adrian was an investment professional for a $5 billion dollar private equity firm investing in energy, construction, and transportation infrastructure companies across North America. When Adrian is out of the office, he can be found riding his futuristic motorcycle and wearing his RoboCop helmet.

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