No matter your industry, every project you carry out will need to place safety as its first priority.
The supervisor or lead foreman will normally be the one who is responsible and accountable for safety on the jobsite. And while part of that job is making sure control measures are in place and workers are following safety protocols, documentation various aspects of site safety is also critical.
In this article, we’ll look at why keeping an up-to-date safety log plays an important role in an effective safety system.
The Benefits of a Safety Log
A safety log is basically a written record of both the events of a workday and the safety training and activities as part of that day. It will include records of training sessions, inspections and audits, as well as other relevant information like the weather and how many individuals are on a project.
Having a written record of what takes place throughout each day has a number of benefits, including:
- Substantiating what safety measures have been implemented
- Logging factors that could have adverse effects on the safety of the crew
- Providing information about what happened before, during, and after an event
- Acting as evidence for any litigation that may follow as the result of an adverse event
- Identifying safety flaws and weaknesses that could be prevented in the future
- Documenting the responsibility of site supervisors and ensuring accountability
How to Organize Safety Logs
To ensure that your safety log is well organized, it should either be divided into sections or simply be consistent in its daily entries.
Depending on the type of project, the supervisor may want to compile notes that are not only relevant to the safety of the crew, but contain information that may be pertinent to management. For example, deliveries received or time in and out for meetings. This is only necessary if this information is required and there are no other systems for tracking it.
Each entry should start with the date and start time. This ensures that the entries are applied to the right day. It also proves that the supervisor making the entries had assumed the responsibilities for that specific date, and at what time. This matters especially when there are shifts being run.
(For related reading see How Predictive Analytics Is Changing the Game for Safety Reporting Best Practices)
Weather Observations
If you’re logging an outdoor project, the observed weather and forecast should be documented. Make note of any significant weather changes throughout the day as well, including the time at which it occurred. This can prove to be valuable information if someone gets injured on site.
(Also check out Weather Matters: Spring Specific Safety Topics)
Safety Protocol
It should be noted that all safety standards are in effect. The company should have a regulation safety compliance program in place. Whatever this program dictates in regards to safety inspections should be carried out and a note made under the daily entries that it has been complied with.
For example, the policy may dictate that a supervisor visually inspect the site to ensure that every worker is wearing adequate PPE and protective clothing. The time of this inspection should be noted in the daily log, along with a brief description of any finding.
If this inspection uncovers an issue that needs to be addressed, this should also be noted in detail. Include what the problem was, who was involved, and what was done about it. It should then be followed up with and any corrective measures added to the documentation.
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Incident Reporting
Every incident, no matter how minor, should be entered into the log. This includes any safety issue, problem, delay, or employee conflict. Note the time, who was involved, what transpired, and what was done about it and by whom. Although much of the information will overlap, a detailed formal incident report should still be filed.
In the event of a mishap, any of these incidents could be a mitigating factor or, if not, it can be ruled out in accordance with the findings of the notes made. An incident should be considered as anything that is affecting the normal routine of the project. It could be an employee becoming sick while working, a life-threatening accident, a piece of equipment breaking down, or an employee that needs to be reprimanded.
(Learn more about W5 Accident Reporting)
Closing Entries
Before making a closing entry for the day, it is worth checking back over the day’s notes to see if anything has been left unattended. If so, complete what needs to be done. Note the time at which the supervisor’s shift ended and add your signature under the closing entry.
Additional Safety Log Tips
- Make sure the notes are fully legible – Entries should be printed or carefully hand written
- Use a quality pen – This ensures that drizzle or other weather conditions don’t make the notes illegible, while also proving that the notes have not been erased or tampered with
- Keep a consistent format – This will be very important if the logs are ever used in a court of law
- Be accurate – Make sure that all of the information entered is totally accurate, as this will lend your notes credibility
- Be transparent – If errors have to be corrected, run one line through the error and make the correction entry; otherwise, it could appear as though you altered your notes for other reasons
- Keep your own records – If you are required to turn in your safety log at the end of each shift, make and keep a copy of the daily notes
Safety Wrap
A safety log is invaluable as both a record and a reminder.
By writing things down, you are recording data that will allow you to dig into the details of an incident, as well as providing a self-check to ensure you aren’t missing anything critical.
The safety log also acts as a single source of truth. Without accurate documentation, any kind of investigation will end in frustration, as no one will remember the situation in quite the same way.
Ready to learn more? Check out our free webinar on How to Leverage Digital EHS Solutions to Streamline OSHA Audits and Inspections!
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